Amongst the many mysteries of the human personality, one of
the remarkable once is the mind-body connection. Interestingly though the mind
is subtle, and the body is gross, yet our mental thoughts have their physical
consequences upon the parameters of the body.
An interesting experiment was conducted by Dr. Stewart Wolf
‘when pregnant ladies would visit his clinic with symptoms of vomiting, he
would try this out. He would give Ipecac to them a drug that induces vomiting
and naturally, the symptoms would increase. He would then say, “I’ve got a
wonder drug that has just been released by great pharmacy company and I’m going
to give it to you. It was tried on 10,000 patients and worked every time”. With
those words he would administer the same Ipecac. The ladies would take it and
symptoms of vomiting would disappear through the night. How did that happen? When I read this story I try to
understand why does vomiting happen? Interestingly, there is no physical
mechanism that induces it. It is all triggered by the mind and that is why when
the mind became convinced that I don’t need to vomit the symptoms disappeared.
This is the reason behind the Placebo effect. A patient is administered a blank
pill but told it is a medicine. And the Placebo effect has a 50% effectively
when compared to the actual medicine.
And the reverse of
this also been observed by medical science which is remembered illness or also
called white collar hypertension. What is that? Your bodily parameters were absolutely
alright but when you went for your annual medical check up to the hospital,
your BP was taken and the doctor said “you have got a marginally increased BP -
130/90”. The patient said, “Really doctor, I was not aware”. The doctor said,
“Don’t worry, its white collar hypertension”. What is that? When you visited
the hospital the mind decided I must be sick that is why I am in this place
seeing all these white collar people here. And when the mind became convinced
something is wrong the BP increased. In other words the mind can impact the
body, negatively or positively. That is why the concept of holistic health is
becoming so popular nowadays.
Norman Cousins an American journalist has described his journey of curing himself of
illness merely by working upon his mind. He was diagnosed with leukemia or
blood cancer and he decided to fix it by fixing his thoughts. He got 500 humor
movies and with their help he laughed and laughed and laughed. Alongside, he would
daily meditate that his body is releasing millions of WBCs that are consuming
the cancer cells. And the consequence his cancer went into remission, and he
continued to live for another 20 years
So what I wish to bring your attention to the importance
of our thoughts. They impact the quality of our work, the quality of our life,
the quality of our relationships and every other realm of our life.
placebo effect is defined as a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive "look-alike" substance or treatment. This substance, or placebo, has no known medical effect.
Source : Google
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